About Us
Tawazun: Index of Arab Civil-Military Relations is an independent platform that asserts defense affairs as a legitimate and necessary subject on the policy agenda for public knowledge and debate.

Tawazun works toward:

  • Transparent and accountable governance of defense sectors in Arab countries and the professionalization and modernization of Arab armed forces;

  • Non-adversarial dialogue between civilian and military stakeholders, which is key to transforming attitudes on both sides and achieving win-win outcomes; and

  • Civilian expertise and involvement in defense affairs—among civil society and research organizations, parliaments, government civil services, and defense sectors—which underpins mutually beneficial civil-military relations.
Tawazun enables positive engagement between civilians and the military, informs policy analysis, and enhances public scrutiny.
Tawazun provides quantitative measures of the efficiency of civil-military relations through an interactive Index that enables comparisons across Arab countries and over time.
Country Profiles
Country Profiles assess the institutional, political, social, economic, and defense outcomes of civil-military relations in each country.
Tawazun Blog
The Tawazun Blog provides a forum for dialogue between civilian and military stakeholders.
Knowledge Bank
The Knowledge Bank enhances defense policyrelevant debate and research with a searchable database of Tawazun and partner products.
Tawazun users are welcome to use the analysis results, tools, and supporting data on the website, but attribution should be made to Tawazun: Index of Arab Civil-Military Relations.
Funding Sources
Tawazun was designed and constructed thanks to funding from a range of donors, including the International Development Research Centre (Ottawa), European Union, and Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Tawazun accepts contributions from any donnor so long as this comes without political conditions and does not require Tawazun to censor, withhold, or otherwise impair its analytical contribution and independence.